Band Blogs

March 29, 2011 by sammyhagar 
What a ride!
What a ride!
What a ride!
What a ride!

I thought my right hand was going to fall off. I signed that many books in the last two weeks. Literally thousands and thousands. Some of you were there in NYC, St Louis, LA... I love my Redheads. So great that so many of you came out to get the book signed. Not so great that so many eBay sellers were so rude and pushy and made it so hard for the real fans who were respecting each other and following the rules. Everywhere at all the bookstores there were awkward incidents that were so embarrassing to me. If you are someone who had a bad experience I am truly sorry.

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March 10, 2011 by sammyhagar 
Painting the library RED!
Painting the library RED!

Ok. There's no turning back now. My life's work is about to hit the shelves. I've poured my heart and soul into RED and I'm ready to share it with the world. As of 3/15 my full story will be told - nothing held back.

I'm jazzed about heading out to see all of you at the book signings. My whirlwind promotional tour starts this week in Canada at Canadian Music Week where I'll be speaking as well as having a special showing of my new film 'Go there Once Be There Twice'. Who's planning on joining me at CMW?

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January 28, 2011 by sammyhagar 
Happy New Year Redheads
Happy New Year Redheads

Happy New Year Redheads,
Here we go again. Made any New Year's resolutions? I have. Mine is: Don't work so damn hard. Hello? Already blown that one. 1)Got my book coming out in March and I've gotta work on that. 2)The movie is almost ready so that's more work. 3)This year The Wabos will be in Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas, Ohio, Tahoe of course. Oh, did I forget we will be in Mexico sometime in the fall? Working vacation there, amigo. And we are playing some place else, I can't remember, but I'll let you know. 4)Finally starting a Chickenfoot record this week. But I can't really call that work 'cause when Chad and Mike and Joe are around it's so damn good, so much fun, so soulful, basically playing the's good work when you can get it. When the Foot gets a track done we will put something on, so check us out...


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December 29, 2010 by sammyhagar 
What an Amazing Year!
What an Amazing Year!


What an amazing year this has been! Let's review, Chickenfoot in Cabo and Tahoe, Aerosmith this summer, and a very very memorable Birthday Bash. Where the Wabos rockin' or what? Thanks to all of you for coming to this endless party.

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December 16, 2010 by sammyhagar 
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!


What a great event we had this past weekend in Mill Valley. Great food, great music, and a preview of the new film. We collected an unbelievable pile of toys and raised much needed funding for our friends at Homeward Bound, Ritter Center and the 142 Throckmorton Theatre Scholarship fund. It always feels great to give a big check to someone this time of year and it's all because of you people. A big thanks to all that came out to support these great charities. I love you.

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